Prof Dr med. dent. Andreas Olze | Dentist

Your Dentist in Berlin MITTE.

The main areas of work of Professor Andreas Olze are as follows:

  • Implantology (surgery and prosthetics)
  • Bone grafts with own bone
  • Complex prosthetic restorations
  • Laser applications in dental medicine
  • Aesthetic dentistry
  • Tooth preserving root canal treatments
  • Dental position corrections with nearly invisible harmony splints
  • Forensic dentistry

His professional career:

  • 1986 – 1991 Dentistry studies in Berlin
  • 1991 – 1994 Research Assistant at the Centre for Dentistry at the Charité Hospital in Berlin
  • 1994 graduation as Dr med. dent.
  • established dentist since 1995
  • Since 2003 lecturer at the Charité
  • 2005 postdoctoral qualification
  • Since 2005 authorized to teach at the Charité, outside lecturer
  • Since 2013 extraordinary professorship at the Charité
  • Scientific talks at home and abroad (e.g. Belgium, Japan, Australia)

Research stays:

  • 2000 Oslo (Norway)
  • 2001 Osaka (Japan)
  • 2001 Zurich (Switzerland)
  •  2002 Pretoria (South Africa)
  • 2004 Osaka (Japan)
  • 2008 Thunderbay (Canada)
  • 2011 Istanbul (Turkey)


Dental practice Prof Dr Olze and colleagues
Dentist Professor Andreas Olze

10117 Berlin – Mitte
Friedrichstr. 186/Mohrenstr. 14